

This Plan Gives Access for 1 Full Month
UGX 50,000 Monthly
  • All Categories
  • 50 Ads
  • 5x more clients
  • 5 TOP Ads
  • 5 TOP + Ads
  • 5 VIP + Ads
  • Store Management
  • Cash Back
  • Discount
  • Ads Auto Renew
  • Whatsapp Ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Ads
  • Website Inclusion
  • Report Generation


This Plan Gives Access for 1 Full Month
UGX 75,000 Monthly
  • All Categories
  • 80 Ads
  • 10x more clients
  • 5 TOP Ads
  • 3 TOP + Ads
  • 5 VIP + Ads
  • Store Management
  • Cash Back
  • Discount
  • Ads Auto Renew
  • Whatsapp Ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Ads
  • Website Inclusion
  • Report Generation


This Plan Gives Access for 1 Full Month
UGX 95,000 Monthly
  • All Categories
  • 100 Ads
  • 15x more clients
  • 10 TOP Ads
  • 5 TOP + Ads
  • 10 VIP + Ads
  • Store Management
  • Cash Back
  • Discount
  • Ads Auto Renew
  • Whatsapp Ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Ads
  • Website Inclusion
  • Report Generation


This Plan Gives Access for 1 Full Month
UGX 125,000 Monthly
  • All Categories
  • 150 Ads
  • 25x more clients
  • 15 TOP Ads
  • 10 Top+ Ads
  • 20 VIP + Ads
  • Store Management
  • Cash Back
  • Discount
  • Auto Renew
  • Whatsapp Ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Ads
  • Website Inclusiion
  • Report Generation


This Plan Gives Access for 1 Full Month
UGX 150,000 Monthly
  • All Categories
  • 250 Ads
  • 35x more clients
  • 20 TOP Ads
  • 15 TOP + Ads
  • 20 VIP + Ads
  • Store Management
  • Cash Back
  • Discount
  • Ads Auto Renew
  • Whatsapp Ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Ads
  • Website Inclusion
  • Report Generation


This Plan Gives Access for 1 Full Month
UGX 192,400 Monthly
  • All Categories
  • 350 Ads
  • 40x more clients
  • 25 TOP Ads
  • 20 TOP + Ads
  • 25 VIP + Ads
  • Store Management
  • Cash Back
  • Discount
  • Ads Auto Renew
  • Whatsapp Ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Ads
  • Website Inclusion
  • Report Generation


This Plan Gives Access for 3 Full Months
UGX 208,000 After 3 Months
  • All Categories
  • 150 Ads
  • 10x more clients
  • 15 TOP Ads
  • 5 TOP + Ads
  • 10 VIP + Ads
  • Store Management
  • Cash Back
  • Discount
  • Ads Auto Renew
  • Whatsapp Ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Ads
  • Website Inclusion
  • Report Generation


This Plan Gives Access for 3 Full Months
UGX 248,400 After 3 Monthly
  • All Categories
  • 200 Ads
  • 20x more clients
  • 20 TOP Ads
  • 10 TOP + Ads
  • 15 VIP + Ads
  • Store Management
  • 5% Cash Back
  • Discount
  • Ads Auto Renew
  • Whatsapp Ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Ads
  • Website Inclusion
  • Report Generation


This Plan Gives Access for 3 Full Months
UGX 322,400 Afyer 3 Months
  • All Categories
  • 300 Ads
  • 30x more clients
  • 25 TOP Ads
  • 15 TOP + Ads
  • 20 VIP + Ads
  • Store Management
  • 10% Cash Back
  • Discount
  • Ads Auto Renew
  • Whatsapp Ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Ads
  • Website Inclusion
  • Report Generation


This Plan Gives Access for 3 Full Months
UGX 437,800 After 3 Months
  • All Categories
  • 400 Ads
  • 50x more clients
  • 30 TOP Ads
  • 20 Top+ Ads
  • 25 VIP + Ads
  • Store Management
  • 10% Cash Back
  • Discount
  • Auto Renew
  • Whatsapp Ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Ads
  • Website Inclusiion
  • Report Generation


This Plan Gives Access for 3 Full Months
UGX 672,799 After 3 Months
  • All Categories
  • 650 Ads
  • 60x more clients
  • 35 TOP Ads
  • 25 TOP + Ads
  • 30 VIP + Ads
  • Store Management
  • 15% Cash Back
  • Discount
  • Ads Auto Renew
  • Whatsapp Ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Ads
  • Website Inclusion
  • Report Generation


This Plan Gives Access for 3 Full Months
UGX 951,439 After 3 Months
  • All Categories
  • 950 Ads
  • 80x more clients
  • 40 TOP Ads
  • 30 TOP + Ads
  • 35 VIP + Ads
  • Store Management
  • 20% Cash Back
  • Discount
  • Ads Auto Renew
  • Whatsapp Ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Ads
  • Website Inclusion
  • Report Generation

🤝 Business

This Plan Gives Access for 1 Full Month
UGX Monthy
  • All Categories
  • Unlimited Ads
  • 15x more clients
  • 0 VIP + Ads
  • 5 TOP Ads
  • 10 TOP + Ads
  • Store Management

🏆 Premium

This Plan Gives Access for 1 Full Month
UGX 28,000 Monthly
  • All Categories
  • Unlimited Ads
  • 25x more clients
  • 5 VIP + Ads
  • 10 TOP Ads
  • 15 TOP + Ads
  • Store Management


This Plan Gives Access for 6 Full Months
UGX 766,200 After 6 Months
  • All Categories
  • 750 Ads
  • 60x more clients
  • 75 TOP Ads
  • 45 Top+ Ads
  • 60 VIP + Ads
  • Store Management
  • 10% Cash Back
  • Discount
  • Auto Renew
  • Whatsapp Ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Ads
  • Website Inclusiion
  • Report Generation


This Plan Gives Access for 6 Full Months
UGX 1,177,399 After 6 Months
  • All Categories
  • 1000 Ads
  • 100x more clients
  • 105 TOP Ads
  • 65 TOP + Ads
  • 85 VIP + Ads
  • Store Management
  • 20% Cash Back
  • Discount
  • Ads Auto Renew
  • Whatsapp Ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Ads
  • Website Inclusion
  • Report Generation


This Plan Gives Access for 6 Full Months
UGX 1,665,019 After 6 Months
  • All Categories
  • 1500 Ads
  • 120x more clients
  • 135 TOP Ads
  • 90 TOP + Ads
  • 115 VIP + Ads
  • Store Management
  • 20% Cash Back
  • Discount
  • Ads Auto Renew
  • Whatsapp Ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Ads
  • Website Inclusion
  • Report Generation

🤝 Business

This Plan Gives Access for 1 Full Month
UGX 15,000 Monthy
  • All Categories
  • Unlimited Ads
  • 15x more clients
  • 0 VIP + Ads
  • 5 TOP Ads
  • 10 TOP + Ads
  • Store Management

🏆 Premium

This Plan Gives Access for 1 Full Month
UGX 28,000 Monthly
  • All Categories
  • Unlimited Ads
  • 25x more clients
  • 5 VIP + Ads
  • 10 TOP Ads
  • 15 TOP + Ads
  • Store Management


This Plan Gives Access for 1 Full Month
UGX 44,000 Per Month
  • All Categories
  • Unlimited Ads
  • 35x more clients
  • 10 VIP + Ads
  • 15 TOP Ads
  • 20 TOP + Ads
  • Store Management


This Plan Gives Access for 1 Full Month
UGX 75,000 Per Month
  • All Categories
  • Unlimited Ads
  • 75x more clients
  • 15 VIP + Ads
  • 20 TOP Ads
  • 25 Bump Up Ads
  • Store Management


This Plan Gives Access for 1 Full Year
UGX 2,018,397 After 1 year
  • All Categories
  • 2000 Ads
  • 150x more clients
  • 205 TOP Ads
  • 120 TOP + Ads
  • 160 VIP + Ads
  • Store Management
  • 10% Cash Back
  • Discount
  • Ads Auto Renew
  • Whatsapp Ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Ads
  • Website Inclusion
  • Report Generation


This Plan Gives Access for 1 Full Year
UGX 3,854,317 After 1 Year
  • All Categories
  • Unlimited Ads
  • 1000x more clients
  • Unlimited TOP Ads
  • Unlimited TOP + Ads
  • Unlimited VIP + Ads
  • Store Management
  • 20% Cash Back
  • Discount
  • Ads Auto Renew
  • Whatsapp Ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Ads
  • Website Inclusion
  • Report Generation

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